

Aromatherapy, and the use of essential oils, is another way of treating holistically: taking into account the ‘whole person’ with the aim of bringing into balance ones physical, emotional and spiritual being.

Essential oils are extracted from plants: roots (ginger), seeds (carrot), leaves and branches (petit grain), flowers (rose), fruit (orange), even resin (frankincense).

Each essential oil has its own properties, indications and sometimes contra-indications, but all act as antiseptics. Applied by massage, they are quickly absorbed by the skin and act on our circulatory and lymphatic systems, as well as the body's energy.

It is wonderfully relaxing to experience an aromatherapy massage and the effects of it can be far reaching. It is aimed not only to offer temporary relief but, by working on the body’s energy system and while applying the carefully selected essential oils, it can relieve all kinds of symptoms. 

 essential oil of the month


The grand mother of all essential oils, lavender is tailor-made for shorter days, November fogs and colder weather. As winter ailments germinate, lavender can protect you from lurking viruses in the classroom, the office and other public spaces. It will calm the nerves, aid sleep and keep you ‘cool’ during any heated debate!


 Please be aware of the power of essential oils. They each come with indications and certain oils come with contra-indications. Always seek the advice of a professional aromatherapist about how and when to safely apply them. If you are interested in learning about how to use them on yourself or your loved-ones, I also run courses on how to safely use essential oils at home.