(Emotional freedom techniques)


EFT is a simple and universal tool to help clear emotions that are stuck due to shock and stress. It works on the body’s energy system by tapping on specific acupuncture points on the face and body while focusing on a specific issue or discomfort. The results of EFT can often be astonishing and surprisingly fast and easy. Thoughts and situations that may once have tied your stomach in knots can suddenly no longer feel like a problem.


Who is it for?

EFT is accessible to everyone and can bring both physical and emotional relief and calm. It allows you to work on thoughts, negative emotions, limiting beliefs, unpleasant and painful body sensations, painful memories, traumas and so much more.

With no age limit, EFT works for all different kinds of issues and people:

Children experiencing the ups and downs of relationships, for example – sibling rivalry, school bullying, feeling inferior to other pupils – can use tapping to quickly and effectively liberate themselves early on from any limiting beliefs. The elderly, too, can benefit from EFT as they approach the end of their days by releasing long-standing guilt, anger and fear.


What can it help?

·      Stress and anxiety

·      Weight loss

·      Addictions and dependencies

·      Fear of public speaking

·      Writer’s block

·      Shock

Studies have shown that tapping, combined with focusing on a specific problem, reduces stress hormone levels and brings about many positive physiological changes, leading to a noticeable sense of well-being and calm.


Can I tap by myself?

Yes you can. EFT is ideally suited for self-help purposes, but it is strongly advisable to seek the assistance of an experienced practitioner for more deep-seated emotional issues or traumatic events. It's important to feel at ease with your practitioner and therefore I offer a 15-minute free consultation online: to meet me and get a feel for whether I am the right person for your needs. My aim is to support you throughout the process, helping you to shift limiting beliefs that have passed their sell-by date, resolve past traumas and reveal beneficial ways of moving forward.


A little history

EFT, like virtually every therapy or practice, wasn't perfected overnight. It evolved from Chinese acupuncture's concentration on the body's energy meridians. Pioneers in ‘Applied Kinesiology’ like Drs. George Goodheart, John Diamond and Roger Callahan experimented with tapping on the meridians and using positive affirmations to treat emotional problems. Gary Craig, a Stanford graduate engineer, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) master and, at the time, a star pupil of Dr. Callahan, termed one of his teacher's cases ‘a one-minute miracle’ when ‘Mary’ found that her crippling fear of water vanished after locating her fear in the stomach and tapping on points under her eyes directly linked to the stomach meridian. 

Gary Craig and Patricia Carrington, a doctor and psychologist, separately found that you could achieve results similar to Callahan's eventual ‘Thought Field Therapy’ by focusing on the fear, trauma or emotional block while tapping on all the meridians in a structured round. Carrington herself would adopt Craig's ‘Emotional Freedom Techniques’ for the rest of her career as the quickest, most reliable and most accessible form of ‘Meridian Tapping’.

Gary Craig launched EFT in the 1990s by releasing instructional DVDs that could be freely copied and distributed from his popular website www.emofree.com. Since then, EFT has been recognised and adopted within and beyond traditional therapeutic circles: in schools, hospitals, prisons, sports facilities and elsewhere. Despite variations, Gary Craig's Gold Standard is the model for EFT International's training courses and the basis for its certification of practitioners and trainers. Craig retired in 2010, but returned in 2015 with ‘Optimal EFT’, a spiritual approach without tapping.


Please be aware, none of the therapies and practices presented on this website are intended to diagnose or cure any medical problem or psychological disorder, nor are they intended as a substitute for seeking medical care. All testimonials contained herein are posted in good faith and in no way constitute a guarantee regarding the outcome of any of the offered practices chosen by the client.